All posts by mjharvell

Husband, Dad Spiritual Coach, Teacher, Author, Hiker, Outdoorsman, Big Kid, One who is just passing through! I choose to heal, grow, learn, develop, laugh, live and above all love...

Be Careful Little Mouth What You Say!

When I was a little boy we used to sing a song in children’s church that went something like this: “O be careful little mouth what you say
O be careful little mouth what you say, For the Father up above
Is looking down in love. So, be careful little mouth what you say…”

In a world inundated with noise, it’s very easy for us to underestimate the profound impact our words can have. Beyond just communication, our words possess the power to shape narratives, inspire change, and influence the course of history. The old saying, “The pen is mightier than the sword,” holds true and is a great reminder of the potency and power of our words.

Think about it: Words are not just symbols; they are vessels of meaning, carrying the weight of our intentions, emotions, and convictions. With a single word we have the ability to convey a multitude of thoughts and ideas. Consider the ripple effect of a kind word or an encouraging phrase – it has the potential to uplift spirits, fostering a positive atmosphere that influences not only the hearer, but also those that come in contact with them. On the flip side, a harsh remark can cut deep, leaving lasting scars on the psyche of those it touches, as well as the ones they touch and come in contact with.

Our words are actually the architects of our reality, constructing the world we live and play in. Words shape our perceptions, influencing how we view ourselves and others. The narratives we create with our language have the unique ability to mold our collective consciousness, define societal norms and shape community values.

Moreover, the words we choose can shape our own destinies. Affirmations, positive self-talk, and the language we use to describe our goals contribute to our mindset and motivation. By consciously selecting empowering words and doing away with negative self talk, we set the stage for personal growth and achievement.

With great power comes great responsibility. Misused or inflammatory language can sow discord and fuel conflict. The digital age has amplified the reach of our words with social media, making it crucial to consider the impact of our online communication. The keyboard can be as influential as the pen, and the words we type can leave lasting impressions on us and others.

In cultivating a mindful approach to language and the power of our words, we unlock the potential to build bridges, foster understanding, and promote positive change.

It starts with awareness – being conscious of the impact our words can have and choosing them with intention rather than carelessness. The power of our words lies not just in their ability to express, but in their capacity to shape the world we live in. So let us wield this power wisely, creating a beautiful masterpiece of dialogue that uplifts, inspires, and unites us all…

The Purpose And Role Of A Pastor!

Someone asked me last week: “Why do we have Pastors?” I thought that was a pretty good question and thought I need to try to give it a good answer.

A pastor, often considered the spiritual leader of a religious congregation, plays a crucial role in guiding and supporting their community in matters of faith, morality, and personal growth. Their responsibilities extend beyond the pulpit and preaching, encompassing various aspects of pastoral care, leadership, and service. The multifaceted purpose of a pastor and the impact they have on the lives of their congregants is made up of much more than we realize or tend to think about.

1. Spiritual Guidance And Teaching:

One of the primary roles of a pastor is to provide spiritual guidance and instruction to their congregation. They are responsible for interpreting religious texts, delivering sermons, and helping individuals deepen their understanding of their faith. Through preaching, teaching, and counseling, pastors help individuals navigate life’s challenges and find solace in their spiritual beliefs.

2. Providing Pastoral Care:

Pastors are often called upon to provide pastoral care, which includes offering emotional support, counseling, and comfort to individuals and families facing difficulties. This can range from helping someone through grief and loss to offering guidance in times of personal crisis. Pastors act as a source of solace and strength for those in need, drawing from their training and experience in pastoral care.

3. Building And Nurturing Community:

Pastors are instrumental in fostering a sense of community within their congregation. They create opportunities for fellowship, organize events, and encourage congregants to support one another. Through community-building efforts, pastors help individuals form meaningful connections and find a sense of belonging, which can be especially vital in times of isolation or loneliness.

4. Leadership And Administration:

A pastor often serves as the leader of their religious community, overseeing the day-to-day operations of the church or religious organization. This includes administrative tasks such as managing budgets, organizing events, and coordinating volunteer efforts. Additionally, they may lead committees or teams focused on specific areas of ministry or outreach.

5. Engaging In Outreach and Service:

Many pastors are deeply committed to serving their wider community, beyond the walls of their church. They may lead or participate in outreach programs, charitable initiatives, and community service projects. By actively engaging with the broader community, pastors exemplify the values of compassion, empathy, and social responsibility, encouraging their congregants to do the same.

6. Providing A Moral Compass:

Pastors often serve as moral guides, helping individuals navigate ethical dilemmas and make decisions aligned with their faith. They offer insight and perspective on matters of right and wrong, based on religious teachings and principles. This guidance can be invaluable in helping individuals lead virtuous and meaningful lives.

7. Whatever May Come Up!

There are many others things that are not planned on that tend to pop up and need the attention of a loving pastor. The role of a pastor is multifaceted, encompassing spiritual guidance, pastoral care, community-building, leadership, and service. Their impact extends far beyond the confines of the church, influencing the lives of their congregants and the broader community. Through their dedication, compassion, and commitment to faith, pastors play a vital role in helping individuals find purpose, solace, and a sense of belonging in their spiritual journey.

For me personally it is a great honor, pleasure and sometimes a challenge, but I love it and consider myself blessed to get to be a Pastor to the precious followers of God.

Ten Action Steps To Deal With Heavy Heartedness!

Life is a journey that is filled with moments of joy, triumph, and love, but it can also bring about periods of sadness, grief, and emotional heaviness. When your heart feels burdened, it’s essential to acknowledge those feelings and take proactive steps towards healing and finding the lightness you were created for. In the following pragraphs, we will explore some very practical steps we can take to help ourselves to navigate through the difficult and heavy times of life.


The first step towards lightening a heavy heart is recognizing and accepting your emotions. It’s normal to feel sadness, grief, or even anger at times. By acknowledging these feelings, you validate your own experiences and open the door to healing. You have to know the feeling to know why the feeling is there and with this knowledge you will find wisdom in dealing with whatever it is that you have to deal with.


Be kind to yourself. Treat yourself with the same care and understanding you would offer a close friend. Self-compassion involves acknowledging your pain without judgment and offering yourself support and comfort. We tend to beat up on ourselves and often become our very own worst enemy. Show yourself some love, mercy and grace.


Share your feelings with someone you trust, whether it’s a friend, family member, or therapist. Talking about your emotions can provide relief and a fresh perspective. Sometimes, merely expressing what’s on your mind can alleviate some of the heaviness. I have often told folks that I am counseling or coaching that it is important every now and then to “unload the truck”. You were not created to carry everything around with you for always, so unload what you need to, so you can load up with what you really need.


Mindfulness practices, such as meditation, can help you stay present in the moment and reduce stress. Taking time for mindfulness can create a sense of calm, allowing you to process your emotions in a healthier way. I like to refer to this as taking time for SOLITUDE. We need to get quiet, just breathe and learn to enjoy the stillness and silence.


Exercise has a profound impact on mental well-being. Engaging in physical activities like walking, jogging, or yoga releases endorphins, which are known as “feel-good” hormones. These chemicals can help alleviate feelings of sadness and promote a sense of well-being. It does not have to be anything hard core, just get up and take a walk outside or take some time to stretch your body out like you used to when you were a kid reaching for the stars.


Art, music, and writing can be powerful outlets for processing emotions. Engaging in creative expression allows you to channel your feelings into something tangible, providing a sense of release and relief. God has gifted all of His children with some form of self expression, figure out yours and use it regurlarly.


Even during challenging times, there are often small moments of beauty and positivity. Cultivating gratitude by acknowledging and appreciating these moments can shift your perspective and help you find moments of lightness. We often get so distracted by the bad that we fail to appreciate the good. No matter how bad it gets, there is always good. Look for and say thank you for the good, because this redirects your spirit toward God, which is exactly where it needs to be.


Breaking down your challenges into manageable steps can make them feel less overwhelming. Setting realistic goals and celebrating small achievements can give you a sense of accomplishment and motivation. Figure out what you have to do, make a plan and then do what you can.


Taking care of your body can have a positive impact on your emotional well-being. Ensure you get enough sleep, eat nourishing foods, and engage in activities that promote relaxation and rejuvenation. Self Care is not a bad thing, it is a necessary thing and if you don’t take care of you, there might not be a you to take care of others.


Remember that feelings of heaviness are part of the human experience, and they do not define you. In other words: It’s a normal part of life and living. Embracing change and seeking growth through adversity can lead to profound personal development. Do what you can about what you can and then trust God through the rest for His best.

When your heart feels heavy, it’s crucial to remember that you are not alone, and there are ways to find lightness and healing. By acknowledging your emotions, seeking support, and engaging in self-care practices, you can navigate through these difficult moments and emerge stronger and more resilient than ever. Remember, healing is a journey, and it’s okay to take it one step at a time, because your ultimate destination is blessing…