A Fresh Start!

Everyday is a fresh start, an opportunity to learn from the mistakes of yesterday and live for a brighter and more rewarding future. So many times, we tend to get distracted by our past sins, failures and mistakes or disoriented by becoming overly anxious about our future and who we are going to be, what we are going to have and where we are going to go. We need to realize and accept that yesterday was an education, tomorrow is not promised and today, this moment is our opportunity.

Today is our fresh start, our new opportunity to begin again fresh, new and ready for blessing. No need to waste time thinking about “some day”, because today is the day. Our tomorrow is created by what we do today. George Bernard Shaw said: “Life is not about finding yourself, life is about creating yourself.” And this is exactly what life offers you, an opportunity to re-create yourself.

Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. -2 Corinthians 4:16-17

Our thoughts are powerful and the way we think and the things we think are vital to our living the life we were created for. We need to learn to allow our spirit to empower our thoughts, so that our thoughts drive our body. Most people living in today’s world allow their body to drive their mind, which limits their spirit. Your spirit, mind and body will respond to your new way of thinking and assist your growing and living in the most positive of ways.

Open yourself to your infinite spiritual nature. When you open yourself to your infinite spiritual nature, you will almost immediately begin to experience satisfaction, joy and peace as you learn to live in the present by letting go of past tension and future worry. With every thought we think, we have the ability to re-create our lives by saying yes to new beginnings and the opportunities for blessing, growth and love they bring…