The Way Of Love

There Is A Better Way!

We live in a crazy world. A world where we spend most of our days running around trying to get as much accomplished as possible. And often the end result is that we wear ourselves out and make ourselves crazy chasing after a goal we can never seem to catch.

Why is the goal so elusive? We have to ask ourselves: “Do we really even know what the goal is?” If we are honest, the goal seems to change from day to day. And to be really honest, many of us are running, just to be running with no clear goal in sight. We are just running because it seems to be what everyone else is doing.

There has to be a better way! Would you admit that there are some things in your life that need to change? Maybe, rather than focusing on a successful day, we should simply seek to follow the example of our Creator??? The Scriptures teach us that God is love. This carries forward the idea that focus is not so much on what you do, but on who you are. Stop and let her sink in…

The Scriptures also teach that we are created in God’s image, which means that we have the amazing ability to do it God’s way. We must ask ourselves: “Is there a better way than God’s way?” “Is there a better way than love?” And the answer is ”no”. We simply need to learn to walk/live in the way of love. And the good news is this: All through out the Scriptures, Jesus gives us the perfect example to follow. He didn’t fight it, he embraced it. He was love and so he did love…

The key that unlocks blessings to flow is love! In Ephesians 5:1-2 we read these words: ”1 Follow God’s example, therefore, as dearly loved children 2 and walk in the way of love, just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God.” In other words: Open your heart, soul, life, mind, body and spirit to receive God’s unlimited and unconditional love. (LET GOD LOVE YOU!) Allow yourself to be loved by God, because you cannot give to anyone else what you don’t possess for yourself.

I like to call this sharing of love – letting the love flow. When you let the love flow and grow, I promise you that your life will become amazing, blessed and miraculous. Now let’s make this real in our life and living: What are three ways you will allow yourself to receive God’s love and what are three ways you will share the love you have received? Live in the flow of God’s love and get ready for miracles and blessings…